There is no expiration date on the podcast episodes. No matter where you are starting from, there is something for everyone! I can’t wait to hear your take aways.
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Season 1
Episode 1 – What does Live Life Balanced mean?
Episode 2 Gut Feeling! What does that have to do with health?
Episode 5 Motherhood, Age 50, What’s next?
Episode 6 – Setting Goals with a dip in min
Episode 9 – Eight Immune Boosting Hacks
Episode 10 -Consistency is key to creating habits
Episode13 Kids are off to school. Now what? HMMM!!!
S2E8 Food Staples for Healthy Foods & Swaps

Season 1
Episode 3 Did you know your mouth plays a part in your wellness! A conversation with Cindy Kane
Episode 4 Non Toxic Living – A conversation with Sharon Long
Episode 7 Plant Based with Karen
Episdoe 8 Mom on the Verge with Katie
Episode 11 The Gut Farmacist – A conversation with Riley Romazko
Episode 12 How is health, autoimmunity, your ingredients and essential oils all interconnected
S2E2 – Embracing Menopause: Navigating the Journey to Holistic Wellness with Mary Lee
S2E3 Empowering Your Body’s Defense to prevent Breast Cancer & other disease with Aleah Dechant
S2E4 Did you know your bra matters? Conversation with Dr. Jawad Mustafa
S2S5 Acupuncture & Women’s Health with Dr. Jennifer Harris
S2E6 How to create better energy everyday with Robin Berlinsky
S2E7 Mind, Body Connection with Amber Susa
S2E9 A Journey to Intentional Eating and Wellness with Michelle
S2E10 Easy ways to make 1% shifts from a holistic perspective with Tonia Maslow
S2E11 Mindset Tools to create a better life with Mary Dibble
S2E12 Parenting your “Adult” children with Kim Muench
S3E2 Unlocking Pelvic Mysteries: Navigating Menopause with Pelvic Floor Wisdom from Ashley
S3E3 Listening to Your Body: A Holistic Approach to Unlock your Vitality with Magali
S3E4 Wait, what? Christine tells all! Did you know nail products can cause health issues?
S3E5 Stress, Fitness, & Hormonal Balance in Midlife with Wendy
S3E6 How Omega-3 could be your missing link to healing with Michaela
S3E7-on The Verge: Navigating Menopause, Mind-Body Connection, & Resilience w Cara Bradley
S3E8 Design for Wellness with Tessa
S3E9 Did you know ORGANZING can impact your wellness? -Jodi Smith
S3E10 Cultivating health through your home with Kathryn
S3E11 Juicing Radiance: Sipping for Wellness with Karen Gourley
S3E12 Moving trauma out of your body with Becky, can lead to breakthroughs in health & relationships

SEASON 2 – Bonus Episode
Episode 14 What’s our mind have to do with our health?
SEASON 3 – 1% Shift Mini Episodes
1% Shift-Did you know community is part of our wellness?
1% Shift Eating Protein matters in Mid-Life
1% Shift – Sugar Shock: Uncovering its Effects & how to Ditch